Create a model with clear design intent and a tutorial to go with it for our latest Challenge!
Picture via Fateh Merrad's Tutorial:
GrabCAD wants you to lead the way in creating content that is made for reuse and sharing. We think the best way to do this is baking your design intent into your model. For this Challenge, we ask that you include a Tutorial on your process and frame of thinking for two reasons:
1) Spread the word on how you build models for reuse with other GrabCADrs.
2) Test out our Tutorials process so we can make some big improvements there!
This will be one of a three part series involving Tutorials. By the next Challenge in the series, we will have made some changes to Tutorials based on your past suggestions and all the feedback here! The last Challenge will start after we've made the majority of our improvements. Winner receives a fun, gadget of their choosing: Jawbone Jambox, Pebble Watch, or Sphero. Of course, everyone who wins a prize gets some GrabCAD swag. Share the way you like to build models with the GrabCAD Community, today!