The great thing about the GrabCAD Community is it’s a place where engineers can get advice from other engineers on how to solve a problem.

You can use several types of mates in SOLIDWORKS to mate circular faces.
Our latest Tutorial of the Week comes courtesy of GrabCAD Community member David Thomas and is a perfect example of that.
In it, he creates a tutorial that shows you several techniques to mate circular faces in SOLIDWORKS, which was an answer to a question posted by another member of the GrabCAD Community. It’s a tutorial well worth checking out for anybody who’s ever wondered how to do just that.
Have an idea for a tutorial you would like to see spotlighted here? Drop us a line in the comment section and tell us why.
Thanks so much for contributing your insightful tutorial, David Thomas, and don't forget to keep an eye out for next week's GrabCAD Community Tutorial of the Week!!!