We are happy to let you know that we have added some neat features to make your life at GrabCAD easier & more enjoyable.
So what exactly has changed? The most important new feature is the share functionality. From now on you can choose whether your files are private, so that nobody else can see them, shared with certain engineers or public, meaning they are visible to everyone. A more detailed post on the share & host will follow shortly. Stay tuned.
Besides the awsome "share" widget we also tuned some more features:
* There is no more favorites button. It was a bit confusing having both like & favorites, so we decided to join them. This means that once you klick on like the file will be added to your favorites folder.
* We also added some "help" texts to upload and profile forms, to make your life a bit easier when uploading new cad files or updating your profile.
* Some additional changes were made to your profile that now has an inline edit option for easier and faster editing.
There are a lot more useful stuff under development at the very given moment so check back soon, meanwhile go meet our latest grabcadders and see their awsome files in the library.