Can we leverage the power of Crowdsourcing to design something to improve the lives of other in lesser-developed countries? Can we utilize new technologies like inexpensive 3D Printers like a Reprap to prototype and manufacture those designs as they are needed, using what components are readily available. We think so.
I am now a finalist in the 3D4D Challenge, a competition for $100,000 to come up with a feasible plan to use 3D Printing to aid the economic development of lesser-developed Countries. On October 19th, I have to pitch my idea to a panel at the 3D Printshow in London. Until then I have been given a small budget to 'test' my concept.
We have been exploring options - 3D printed wind turbines, biodigesters, water pumps and so forth. In the interest of time and budget, we're going to go with something simple yet effective - an LED Light Bottle. This idea was inspired by the use of 2 Litre Coke Bottle as a way of diffusing light into the homes of slum-dwellers in the Philippines. Watch this video.
The way I envision it, the GrabCAD community will be able to collaborate with Fablabs run by local students and engineers to prototype, test and manufacture on demand. We want our 3D printers to use recycled materials and locally manufactured components wherever possible.
We have just launched our “LED Light Bottle Design Challenge” – you have only 2 weeks to develop a design, which we will 3D print and test out using the solar panels, batteries, Bottle and LEDs provided. Dimensions for all the components are included in the spec sheet. We have prizes for the best designs, as well as for the one person who is really active in this competition.