Ah the ubiquitous Kiosk. Need to take out money? Need to gamble your money away? Need to browse GrabCAD whilst at the airport or train station? There's a kiosk for that. But you know that finding a nicely designed, well thought-out kiosk is a difficult task. Care to offer your own suggestions for a better looking Kiosk? Here's your chance.
The basic concept is shown above - what sort of additions can you add to make it more appealing? The challenge is that the primary material must be steel. Furthermore, the viewing screen must be angled and space must be included for advertisements. However, no 'ready to fabricate' files have to be submitted. Creativity is the name of the game. And for your creativity, there are nearly $1000 in prizes!
Note that it's a private challenge, so send an email to info@grabcad.com for private uploading privileges and then add kaspar@grabcad.com, sara@grabcad.com and kenneth@kioskterminals.eu as collaborators so they may view the submissions. If you have questions please don't hesitate to leave a message on the comments board. The challenge ends on December 21st at last Time Zone.