Los Angeles – We are now in Day 2 of SOLIDWORKS WORLD and if yesterday’s launch of the F123 Series printers wasn’t enough, today we announce the global availability of the SOLIDWORKS Add-in for GrabCAD Print.

GrabCAD Print enables direct printing from the SOLIDWORKS environment. (Oh…and that’s our colleague Frank in the corner. We were finally able to work him into a blog post.)
This news is significant for many reasons. One being the fact that more than half of GrabCAD Community members work in a SOLIDWORKS CAD environment. (You know who you are!)
The Add-in allows you to easily estimate and print parts without leaving SOLIDWORKS. Select materials, slice height, part orientation, and layout – and then print on a growing number of GrabCAD Print-supported Stratasys printers.
GrabCAD Print for SOLIDWORKS is ideal for CAD engineers who would like to quickly print prototype parts. Your part designs – as well as those developed by other engineers – can be added to a tray using standard SOLIDWORKS commands.
GrabCAD Print for SOLIDWORKS builds on the same trusted GrabCAD platform as the GrabCAD Print desktop, web, and mobile products.
Want to learn more about the GrabCAD Print Add-in for SOLIDWORKS? Click here.