In Spring 2016, I wrote how you should take The Model-Based Definition Ski Challenge. Well, in late December, I started up the 2016-17 ski season with my family amongst fresh... read more →
Creating 2D drawings is an art – knowing what information is required and how to display it in a readable arrangement, while being efficient with the space provided, takes certain... read more →
So often, I am asked: “Why must we annotate or tolerance a 3D printed part?” The answer always is “INSPECTION.” Regardless of quality verification for First Article Inspection (FAI) or... read more →
When I learn something new, there are a lot of things I take for granted. The three that stick out the most are: (more…)
It’s the “high noon” of ski season, and I find myself comparing my challenges learning to ski with my work in model-based definition (MBD). Odd as it may sem, this... read more →
I took this picture in the Denver International Airport (DIA) on my way to DC. It is a hand sculpted architecture model of the super hi-tech, globally forward thinking new... read more →
Learning GD&T is just as important as learning trigonometry. After spending 20 years designing advanced hardware, I have some unsolicited advice for new engineers. Although you may be a most... read more →
Remember the Maytag guy? Remember how bored he was, sitting around twiddling his thumbs because a Maytag dishwasher was uber reliable? Yeah, well, that’s not the case for CAD administrators.... read more →
Why is it so important for 3D data to be exact? After all, drawings on a drafting board weren't a mathematically accurate representation of designs and they got the job... read more →