Verislav is our top Engineer on GrabCAD, #1 in terms of points. Usually we put the spotlight on those who aren’t on the frontpage of GrabCAD, but there comes a time when you have to answer that question – how did you do it? And who are you? And Verislav... read more →
GrabCAD is going to be coming up with some really amazing features for the Community. And we need your help to test them out. We want to do a little roll-playing - testing how Designers, Engineers and Manufacturers work collaborate on GrabCAD to craft better work. Keep reading for more... read more →
What are those words that you hear all the time in the office? Or in class? Conceptualize. Conception. Concept model... in other words, create something. On paper. In CAD. Maybe even a 3D Print, so to put it in your hand. Regardless of if it's feasible or not, having a... read more →
Sara Sigel is our new Community Manager and we thought it would be fun to introduce her through an interview by a GrabCAD member. Read the interview, below, to learn more about her background and ideas for the future. Thank you, William, for offering up questions and welcoming Sara to... read more →
Can we leverage the power of Crowdsourcing to design something to improve the lives of other in lesser-developed countries? Can we utilize new technologies like inexpensive 3D Printers like a Reprap to prototype and manufacture those designs as they are needed, using what components are readily available. We think so.... read more →
The CyDesign Challenges were an experiment in every sense of the word. GrabCAD and CyDesign were trying to do some very different things than the standard challenge, which filled us with some excited and trepidation at the same time. With only a few grainy images, virtually no specs and a... read more →
Turning physical models into CAD models is becoming easier and more affordable than before. Cheaper lasers, higher quality cameras and faster computers mean calculating and handling point clouds isn't a headache or an expense as it was before. Already a few scans have been showing up on GrabCAD. Instead of... read more →
Many among us are part of bigger projects - and occasionally we show off what's happening. Sometimes it's an interesting invention, or a loose skeleton of the final project, or the rendering of a dream car. In the end - GrabCAD is a place to show off - and man... read more →
SolidWorks 2013 is about to be released - September 10th, actually. Solidworks is probably one of the most popular CAD tools among GrabCAD Engineers (actually, not probably, it is #1). A few of you have SolidWorks 2013 Beta, but can't talk about what's in store (oh NDAs ...). But not... read more →