Yesterday we announced new file management features in GrabCAD Workbench. We’re excited to release a solution that will solve CAD management, sharing and visualization challenges like no other PDM or PLM tool offered today. But don’t take our word for it - here are some early industry reactions to Collaborative Product Development with Workbench.
TechCrunch: We’ve previously described GrabCAD as a ‘GitHub for mechanical engineers‘. Today, the Boston-headquartered startup is pushing out a significant update to its Workbench product, adding a raft of new features that it says now makes it a complete platform for what it calls Collaborative Product Development (CPD) and the ideal tool to help hardware startups and other small to medium-sized hardware companies. In other words, GrabCAD is keenly positioning itself to ride the hardware renaissance.
Read the full article at GrabCAD Workbench Dominates Data Management
GrabCAD isn't interested in controlling the world, they are interested in DOMINATING IT! Today marks the culmination of many preceding events, user feedback, and general industry progression that will, no doubt, continue to expand...
This new addition to GrabCAD Workbench installs a very lightweight client on host computers which synchronizes data between the client and the server. In other terms, between a local cache and the cloud. And, you can set it up within 3 minutes. Can you do that with your bloated PLM software?
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BeyondPLM: GrabCAD CPD wants to disrupt CAD file management
It all comes to the advantages of the cloud – to get service without installation, configuration, maintenance and other related hassle...
PDM has probably one of the worst records in enterprise software, especially among small companies and individuals. Engineers recognized PDM as something that hurts them and doesn’t help. It would be interesting to see if new cloud services such as GrabCAD CPD will change the trend.
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DesignWorld: New Tools In GrabCAD Workbench Reduce File Management Woes
A common headache among engineers—especially at small to mid-size companies—is finding the right way to safely and efficiently manage, share and view CAD models. At larger companies, PDM and/or PLM systems are often in place to control the file management process, but a staggering 60% of engineers don’t have access to PDM/PLM systems. The end result can be a chaotic, often inefficient process that can lead to costly errors and a lot of wasted time and rework...
By being cloud-based, Workbench eliminates the cost, hassle and risks of managing a new software and requires no dedicated server, no configuration, no maintenance and no IT hardware or support. As a result, Workbench users can be up and running in minutes with nary a worry about hard disk failures or database backups.
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BostInno: GrabCAD Further Fosters Engineering Collaboration with Workbench File Management Expansion
Given the industry's increasing interest in collaboration and "open engineering," the addition of these new Workbench features comes at the right time for GrabCAD. The cloud-based and maintenance-free Workbench exemplifies this trend, enabling engineers' productivity and reducing the cost, hassle and risks involved with installing multiple software products.
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Boston Business Journal: GrabCAD launches a Dropbox for hardware engineers
With the new Workbench features, a designer can be in Boston, a manufacturer can be in China and a customer can be in Colorado, and they will all be able to access the design, see it in 3D and review it, says Meybaum.
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What do you think of the new release? Let us know in the comments or on twitter - @GrabCAD