Our latest challenge is a match made in heaven. The Amico Bracelet is the product of Trovare, a Boston-based start-up. The idea is that you connect this electronic bracelet to your social networking website. When you come in contact with someone else with an Amico, it will vibrate to indicate that there is a match. Its only natural that the biggest online community of designers and engineers could use their collective skills to develop the perfect product.
The bracelet will be made primarily of silicon, with a USB connection, a computer board and a 100 mAh battery. A light that will illuminate the Amico logo when the bracelet wirelessly connects with another bracelet to indicate that there is a connection. A winning design is one that combines 'aesthetics, quality of design, manufacturability, and sales potential.'. A difficult task to combine these all needs. Collaboration and feedback from everyone participating is going to be pretty vital. Pass around ideas and give out constructive criticism.
Good luck!