The 3D4D Challenge is about getting Engineers and Designers like yourselves to think of a way we can use 3D printing to improve the lives of others in the Developing World. With a machine that can create almost any CAD design before your very eyes, what would you submit? If 3D printing is going to revolutionize the world, how does the world of engineers see it happening in Lesser Developed Countries? How will it help them?
3D Printer by Viktor Filiposki
The time to submit those ideas is now. On July 31st, the window to submit will be closed and 6 finalists will be chosen to go to London and present their ideas at the 3D Print Show on October 19th, 2012. You will get to work with all the best mentors in 3D printing to perfect your idea, along with $1000 to help you along the way. Did we mention the $100,000 Grand Prize?
First you have to submit a short 800-word paper outlining your concept, along with pertinent images and diagrams. As 3D4D explains,
Your concept statement must cover the need to be addressed and the evidence that you have available to demonstrate the need exists. The application should also explain what makes the use of 3D printing technology innovative in the context of this need. Finally, the application should explain how the project could become sustainable and over what period of time.
Its possible to do quite a lot with a 3D printer. If you want to submit an idea, read as much as you can to get a good idea of what is possible and impossible, as well as how it will be implemented 'in the field'. And move fast - July 31st is coming up soon!
Here's a short clip of William Hoyle from Tech4Trade talking about the challenge.
Good luck to all of the contestants!