Windows users rejoice! With the release of Windows 8.1 comes Internet Explorer 11, the first version of Internet Explorer to support WebGL. With native WebGL support in IE11, GrabCAD members can now experience 3D viewing right in their browser without having to install an external plugin.

Engine & Gearbox for the M72 Project by john fall
WebGL is the technology behind GrabCAD’s 3D viewer which allows developers to access users’ graphics cards to render objects in 3D. In previous versions of Internet Explorer, IE users had to install an add-in like the Google Chrome Frame in order to use GrabCAD’s 3D viewer.
Why the delay?
Internet Explorer is a little late in supporting WebGL when compared to other browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox. One reason is that the release cycle of Internet Explorer just isn’t as frequent as the other browsers. New versions of IE are bundled with the release of new versions of Windows - so that’s a longer cycle. Also, the IE development team waited for WebGL to mature so that certain standards and security measures could be in place before providing support for it.
3D for everyone
Now that WebGL has become a standard for browsers, expect to see more applications in the coming years with better, more powerful interactive web experiences. 3D on the web is here to stay!