Quattro Eco Mechanics, a team of several young Greeks, is developing the Dominator prototype vehicle which is bound to race in the Shell Eco Marathon in the Netherlands from May 17th-19th.... read more →
GrabCAD is excited to join consumer 3D printer company Makerbot, UK rapid prototyping firm Econolyst and charity group Techfortrade in setting a challenge to the world: How can you use 3D printing to help the Developing World?... read more →
Konica Minolta and GrabCAD are teaming up to offer an automotive-related design challenge. Konica Minolta is asking our community to design an iPhone dock integrated into the dashboard of a... read more →
500 Group's Supercar Body Design Challenge ended last night. Almost 200 designs were uploaded during this insanely popular 40 day challenge! GrabCAD is pleased to announce 500 Group's extremely popular supercar... read more →
We're excited to announce a new challenge tasking the community to design creative and intricate 3D models with ZW3D CAD/CAM software. The winning entries will have the chance to be... read more →
The supercar challenge for the 500 Group hosted on GrabCAD is proceeding well with over 70 entries already. With 11 days left, we expect to see many more models and... read more →
Launching an engineering challenge on GrabCAD has proven to be helpful for designers and manufacturers from various different industries. Challenges enable companies to collect hundreds of detailed, creative solutions over... read more →
Here are the results of our second tutorials challenge in GrabCAD. Top 10 entries were selected based by the number of "It worked" clicks. We are very happy to see... read more →
3Dconnexion wants 3D mouse users to show non 3D mouse users what they are missing by creating a demo video! $5400 is up for grabs in this challenge, which ends... read more →