The 3D4D Challenge is about getting Engineers and Designers like yourselves to think of a way we can use 3D printing to improve the lives of others in the Developing... read more →
BBC had a short interview with Dr. Peter Diamandis, Founder and Chairman of The XPrize Foundation and said a few things that closely reflected our thoughts and aims at GrabCAD. So... read more →
No longer just a boring CAD repository, GrabCAD is now home for all of your living breathing CAD projects. When you upload a model to GrabCAD, it becomes a public... read more →
Another great week with uploads from the GrabCAD community here. There are few that are out of this world, showing off some creative thinking and impressive CAD and rendering skills... read more →
Whether you're in search of your next freelance engineer or looking for an experienced CAD modeler to hire, GrabCAD can help. Freelance designer in France using Solidworks or an engineer with... read more →
In recent times, the Internet has enabled groups of engineers to work together with the sort of depth and breadth undoable years before. The Bleriot Project is a special example.... read more →
Another day, another update - this time we've replaced ranking with more fair scoring system for our engineers. Many of you have been climbing in the ranks of GrabCAD since... read more →
GrabCAD's newest feature? An official GrabCAD iPad app that allows you to keep up to date and in the loop on the newest and neatest models uploaded to GrabCAD! So... read more →
There has been one small improvement made for all users - configuring profile and account settings. Something that looks like a tiny change, yet something that can make the life... read more →