With modern software, you can create a part in 3D CAD, perform digital analyses, and then send it directly to manufacturing for tooling and production. So why does anyone prototype... read more →
CAD designers typically fall into two categories: rock star or orchestra musician. There are many reasons for this, including the engineer’s personality and skill, but much also depends on the... read more →
I hear it every day from other engineers: “I could use that model in my assembly, but it's so bad. I might as well just remodel it.” Bad modeling techniques and... read more →
Reduce manufacturing costs. Improve lead times. Decrease shipping costs. Maintain consistency and quality. Sounds ideal, right? It may seem like a tall order, but all of these production goals are... read more →
If you're not subscribed to our mailers or don't really care about Twitter, it's possible that you missed A Part Number Anthology, published over the winter break. (more…)
Speak another language? ¿Habla otro idioma? latlh Hol jatlh? Whether you hail from Austin, Santiago, or Qo'noS, knowing multiple languages is an indispensible asset. Driven by the growing importance of... read more →
If you were to look at where manufacturing was 30 years ago and where it is today, you might not recognize it. With the accelerated pace of emerging technologies, shrinking... read more →
In engineering, change is fundamental; product design is a highly iterative process. While change is necessary, it can also be quite costly. Most reasonable estimates place the cost of a... read more →
Brian Neville-O’Neill recently sent me this Reddit conversation in which an engineer complains that he is consistently reprimanded by his boss “for over stepping my bounds.” As the sole engineer... read more →