The original members of GrabCAD were Engineers, and as such, we concentrated on running Design Challenges to resolve engineering problems. However, we've grown so fast that we have thousands of people in many other fields. There are many companies out there that want new aesthetically pleasing designs, like jewellery for... read more →
...might as well start with GrabCAD Tutorial page! We've been growing lots as of recent and more GrabCADrs are uploaded (and viewing) some pretty valuable tutorials. Whether you're a Professional looking to expand your skill-set or a student working your chops, there are plenty of great tutorials - here are... read more →
It's π Day. The Internationally recognized day of remembrance for our irrational yet mathematically constant friend, 3.14159... So this time we looked for the models that reflected the best usage of π in CAD. That would nearly everywhere, sometimes hidden in plain view. Can you think of a moment when... read more →
GrabCAD is a collection of lots and lots of pixels - and GrabCADrs too. But on your screen, its bit-mapped pixel by pixel. Voxels are essentially the three-dimensional version - a point in space that together forms a shape. Although CAD users are familiar with surfaces, solids, NURBS and meshes,... read more →
Hitting 500,000 GrabCADrs felt good - did we mention we're really thankful for everyone here? Anyways, so much is happening it's hard to handle. There are a number of small things that you ought to know about. We are going to be at the Design for Manufacture Summit in Brooklyn,... read more →
I’m happy to announce that GrabCAD reached 500,000 members on Friday (around 2 AM, to be precise). To give you some some sense of what that means, here is a list of countries that have fewer citizens than we have members: Malta (109 GrabCAD members), Brunei (36 members), Bahamas (19... read more →
Back in June 2012, we reported on the Desktop Factory Challenge. Entrants had to make an inexpensive machine that could make plastic filament, the sort you'd need for a Makerbot or an Ultimaker. The difficulty? You had to use off-the-shelf components and your final bill of materials could only add... read more →
Taking a break to play a game or solve a puzzle is always a good idea. And of course, what better idea than to flex your eyes and mind... for Science? Neurobiologists at MIT have been trying to reveal the intricate wiring of the neurons that are sending data between... read more →
Daily Grommet and Google Apps want you to pitch your product. In partnership with Hive, "The Product Pitch" is a way to take your consumer product idea to market. Ideas must be submitted by Friday, March 8. You may be thinking, "That is not enough time!" All you need to... read more →