Sometimes Bill of Material (BOM) terminology can be rather confusing. Case in point: “the 150% BOM”. What does that even mean? It’s a rather enigmatic term when you think about it, so let's bring some clarity to the concept and practice. (more…)
If you haven't gotten your copy of "The Art of Product Design: Changing the Way Things Are Made" yet, stop by the Boston (June 11) or New York City Makerbot (May 15) stores to see Hardi speak and get a signed edition. (more…)
More and more companies are hiring team members for remote work or have the challenge of working with offices in other locations. We explain the challenges you'll face with a distributed engineering team and how to build a stronger team, despite the distance. (more…)
The Johammer J1 is one of the first production electric motorcycles to break the 124 mile range mark. The bike looks unique and is an unexpectedly cutting edge electric chopper with a reinvented power supply. GrabCAD had the opportunity to talk to their team in Austria. [portfolio_slideshow id=18450] (more…)
You use Creo. You love the power of designing parametrically, and you know that nothing beats Creo’s breadth of capability, perfectly constrained models, and amazing performance. But you also probably spend a lot of time managing Creo files. We can help with that. (more…)
There are so many free resources for engineering managers. We did some of the sifting for you, to save you some time. Here are five offerings chockfull of design process and project management tips, engineering news, and more for you. Books - now and then by Spykster on Flickr (more…)
This was one of the most difficult GrabCAD Challenges yet. Engineers balanced both design and technical requirements while using SimScale software to optimize their truck underrun solutions. Our winners created lighter and more attractive designs - check them out. (more…)
In product development, designing just the right product is only half the battle. Getting it out the door is the other half. That’s where the well-managed workflow comes in. (more…)
Selecting the right Contract Manufacturer (CM) is the most important manufacturing decision you’ll make. It is critical to your success and you get one opportunity to do it right. Here’s an overview of how to approach this process. (more…)