Wristwatches were once a sign of wealth and intelligence. Condensing the complex workings required to keep time was an impressive enterprise in itself. Whole lives, families and generations were spent slicing errors into smaller and smaller slices. 250 years ago the British Government offered the equivalent of $5 million for a marine chronometer to help the Royal Navy better calculate longitude. Dissembling and repairing watches were the first windows for future mechanical engineers - it was Henry Ford's first job. Finding what time it is easy now - having a wrist watch is a little antiquated, quaint really. But what can you think of? What ideas would you have for a creative and eye-catching watch?
Woodchip Designs wants you to think of an interesting 'Open face' wristwatch that utilizes unorthodox materials like bamboo or wood as well as traditional ones like stainless steel and leather. Try to think outside the box. Creating a functional idea is not necessary; develop a concept model. Enter as many times as you wish. Rendering and presentation is important as well - think of how it will look to judges. Derivative and unoriginal designs won't win their hearts - try to experiment. And of course, give an explanation of why your concept is the best. All designs have hidden features and elements that are not always obvious, but when explained really captures your attention.
This challenge runs for the next month and we have about $1000 in cash prizes. Time is ticking, as they say. Good luck!