Dropped into New York City to witness World Makerfaire last weekend, an annual event of Makers, Engineers and Designers from around the Globe. Literally thousands upon thousands of people showing off their ideas and work, companies like AutoDesk and Makerbot. And one really big, 50,000 lbs. Rube Goldberg.
This was no ordinary Rube Goldberg, but one of the biggest ever (in size, perhaps not steps - 18 mechanisms). The final step is dropping a massive weight onto an early model Honda and totally crushing it.
Our former Community Manager Josh Mings and I wandered around together. We got a tour of Makerbot's new Retail outlet, which sells their new Replicator 2 and other interesting 3D Printed toys. Guess what was in the front window of their Midtown Manhattan store but JE Paz's tractor! And one of Virtox's designs!