Daily Grommet and Google Apps want you to pitch your product. In partnership with Hive, "The Product Pitch" is a way to take your consumer product idea to market. Ideas must be submitted by Friday, March 8. You may be thinking, "That is not enough time!" All you need to submit is a description of your product concept and why you are passionate about creating it. We know that GrabCAD'rs have amazing ideas to offer. So, submit your idea today!
You will have a guide through the process
Daily Grommet will review submissions and announce the top ideas the following week. If you have one of the top ideas, you get to face off in a one-day live event competition in Fenway Park on March 19, 2013.
The winning team will:
- Go to market with help from Daily Grommet, Boston.com, Indiegogo and Google Apps.
- Have its journey chronicled by Boston.com.
- Launch its product on Daily Grommet.
Daily Grommet will provide consultative advice and connecting assists to guide your concept all the way through the process to a market-ready product. Additionally, a chronicled journey on Boston.com, additional media exposure, and launch on Daily Grommet, is sure to make your product shine.
For more information, check out their event page, From Home Plate to a Home Run: The Product Pitch.
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