There's an old saying that, with the rise of the on-demand workforce, seems ripe for updating: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. To which I would add: Those... read more →
There never seems to be enough CAD training to go around. As the complexity and availability of 3D tools proliferates, so does the demand for training. It's a problem for... read more →
We all understand the importance of collaboration. We know, at least intuitively, that by collaborating people can accomplish more than they could as separate individuals. Yet, product companies that try... read more →
Let’s deal with the elephant in the room. Whenever you, the consulting design engineer, walk into a manufacturer’s building, the chances that the existing engineering team welcomes you with open... read more →
DesignNews spoke to GrabCAD founder and CEO Hardi Meybaum about his new book and how he thinks product design is evolving with open engineering. (more…)
Maybe you've had a long week, maybe you're struggling with a tricky design problem, maybe you need a little good news. We've got some! If you're a MechE (or Aerospace... read more →
I carried out a little bit of research the other day on the web and here’s what I found about this topic. The idea is not to make an exhaustive... read more →