Another awesome week for GrabCAD and the community that uploads so many great models each week. It seems there is no end to the talent and skills on display from our community!
Model engine by GrabCAD engineer Manolis Theofilos
A neat and well-rendered engine design.
Battleship--bismarck br GrabCAD engineer Wuzhiyao
This mind blowing model features some very precision modeling skills with an incredible level of detail.
Manual drill by GrabCAD engineer Nayla Miana
Hand power- impressive design with some nice internals and great renders from other members of the community.
Drill machine semi automatic no. 1 by GrabCAD engineer Antonio Auro Rabello
Neat semi automatic drill design. Just one of Antonio's impressive models which can be found on his profile.
Microturbine by GrabCAD engineer Wira Napitupulu
This impressive Microturbine is another work of art from Wira Napitupulu with precision modeling displayed at it's finest.