During World War II, the United States Army’s bazooka rocket launchers were advantageous to their fighting strength. However, during the war, German adversaries captured some bazookas in North Africa from... read more →
Cloud-based services are certainly nothing new, and they have been growing at a phenomenal rate, but there still remains a gnawing reluctance that prevent some prospective users from embracing the... read more →
As part of handing your new hardware product off to your selected factory for manufacturing, you'll need a double handful of documents. (more…)
First it was business, then it was psychology but, soon, the most popular college major could be something never before considered an important or teachable subject matter: robot proofing. ... read more →
At some point in the journey to creating and selling a new hardware product, your product crosses that magical, albeit challenging, step into ready-for-manufacturing. These days, many of the potential... read more →
If you're a first-time hardware creator, here's something you might not have learned: Your hardware's prototype is the key stage between idea and production (manufacturing lots of them). (more…)
Few would argue that more monitor/display space helps desktop user productivity – particularly for visually-intensive tasks like hardware product design and development, and code/collaborative tasks that typically call for having... read more →
Metal 3D Printing is undoubtedly the next big thing in the fast-moving realm of 3D printing. Put simply, it’s a quick and effective process used to create three-dimensional metal parts... read more →
Let me admit something up front: I didn’t start drinking coffee until I turned 40. In our current caffeinated society, where 32-ounce morning coffee thermoses are the norm, this must... read more →